Foundations close to Andy's Heart

Andy was always very involved in raising funds and volunteering his time for foundations. It was part of his incredibly giving and generous spirit and his desire to help others.
A foundation very close to Andy's heart was Shimmering Wings - he wanted to find a way to draw on the experience his own daughters had when they lost their mom, Kim, to metastatic breast cancer in 2014 - he'd seen first-hand how devastating the loss of a parent can be and wanted to help other children get the support they need to deal with their own loss. Shimmering Wings provides multi-dimensional grief support programs for people at all life stages. Led by professional, experienced facilitators and volunteers, each program incorporates peer support, encourages and respects participant need for personal space, and helps participants learn how to integrate their loss into their ongoing lives. Shimmering Wings' programs strive to help participants not feel they are alone in their grief journey.
Ever since losing his wife, Andy had been very active in raising funds for cancer-related foundations such as No-Shave November and Susan G. Komen. His family has requested that people who wish to donate to a cancer-related foundation donate to the American Cancer Society.
After meeting Julia, he always believed strongly in her life mission as a therapist providing care to oncology patients. Andy and Julia had plans to travel extensively after they retired, and part of the plan was for Julia to teach oncology rehabilitation to fellow rehab therapists along the way where they could see there was a need. Julia and Andy had planned to support Julia's outreach and teaching through Oncology Rehab's non-profit, EPOCH.
Prior to Andy's accident in Puerto Rico, he was on a mission trip to rebuild homes after the hurricane. One of the construction projects they were working on was for the Chef's Garden (429 Interior km 1.0, Rincon, Puerto Rico, tel: 787-458-4372), which provides jobs for people with drug addictions to help them return to a normal life. Andy was building foundations for water tanks at the farm and they have called the tanks "Andy's watershed".
A foundation very close to Andy's heart was Shimmering Wings - he wanted to find a way to draw on the experience his own daughters had when they lost their mom, Kim, to metastatic breast cancer in 2014 - he'd seen first-hand how devastating the loss of a parent can be and wanted to help other children get the support they need to deal with their own loss. Shimmering Wings provides multi-dimensional grief support programs for people at all life stages. Led by professional, experienced facilitators and volunteers, each program incorporates peer support, encourages and respects participant need for personal space, and helps participants learn how to integrate their loss into their ongoing lives. Shimmering Wings' programs strive to help participants not feel they are alone in their grief journey.
Ever since losing his wife, Andy had been very active in raising funds for cancer-related foundations such as No-Shave November and Susan G. Komen. His family has requested that people who wish to donate to a cancer-related foundation donate to the American Cancer Society.
After meeting Julia, he always believed strongly in her life mission as a therapist providing care to oncology patients. Andy and Julia had plans to travel extensively after they retired, and part of the plan was for Julia to teach oncology rehabilitation to fellow rehab therapists along the way where they could see there was a need. Julia and Andy had planned to support Julia's outreach and teaching through Oncology Rehab's non-profit, EPOCH.
Prior to Andy's accident in Puerto Rico, he was on a mission trip to rebuild homes after the hurricane. One of the construction projects they were working on was for the Chef's Garden (429 Interior km 1.0, Rincon, Puerto Rico, tel: 787-458-4372), which provides jobs for people with drug addictions to help them return to a normal life. Andy was building foundations for water tanks at the farm and they have called the tanks "Andy's watershed".